Welcome to Harker Heights Allergy & Temple Allergy Clinic
Dr. William F. Long, M.D.
2 Convenient Locations – Harker Heights & Temple
Friendly Staff
Committed to providing quality healthcare to all patients.
We treat both adult and pediatric patients.
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Traditional, rush, and cluster schedule immunotherapy
(allergy shots)
Skin and blood testing are two common methods of specific allergy testing. Performing allergy testing and finding out what you are allergic to is an important first step to effective allergy treatment.
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We treat many different allergic disorders as well as asthma and dermatological disorders. We treat both adult and pediatric patients. We are well versed at diagnosing and treating ocular allergies, nasal allergies, skin allergies, asthma, food allergies and general immunologic disorders.
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Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning.
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A itchy, bumpy, chapped, or otherwise irritated skin rash can signal many things, but many skin rashes are often the result of skin allergy. Learn the basics of allergic skin rashes and how we can help.
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Harker Heights | Temple Allergy & Asthma Clinics have a wide range of treatment options
The Allergy & Asthma clinics have two convenient locations in Harker Heights, TX and Temple, TX and provide many services for children and adults including consultation for allergy, asthma, allergic eczema, hives, food allergy sinus conditions, Xolair therapy, and subcutaneous immunotherapy. We specialize in inhalant, food and skin allergy diagnosis.
Dr. Long has been practicing in the Texas area since 1987.
Our office offers many services for pediatric and adult patients including:
Satisfied Patients:
Temple Allergy Clinic
2027 S. 61st Street, #108
Temple, TX, 76502
Phone: 254-773-8916
Fax: 254-228-5574
Harker Heights Allergy
2025 Memory Lane, Suite 400A
Harker Heights, TX 76548
Phone: (254) 432-5945
Fax: (254) 432-5952
I have been a patient of Dr. Long for about 2 years. He has been very informative in how I can help control my asthma and allergies. He is a caring doctor who inquired about my family and other interests. The Nursing staff and the front office are wonderful. Appointments are scheduled quickly and the wait time is very reasonable. I would recommend Dr. Long to anyone who needs an allergist.